Just a quick update on the portfolio.
DDD continues to perform stellarly, jumping today to around $86.50 a share. This has been our best investment, with big thanks to Jim Cramer for recommending this stock months ago.
CNI's split, and slowly growing back a little, bouncing between $56 and $57. Such is the pain of
diversification: you'll often feel a little remorse seeing the slower
half of your stocks perform. Considering it's the dead of winter in Canada, I'm grateful for any growth in this railroad stock. This is definitely a hold.
TWO is due for a dividend at month's end and has edged up to around $9.50. This is another example of putting extra leftover money into a small, high-yield position so it adds up. Without the ability to perform unlimited trades, acquisitions like this aren't worth it, but with a great service like BuyAndHold, which we've used for years, you get more financial control for less overall money.
Our penny stock holdings have yet to mature, though for FLST we should say mature again. After a small spike to around $2.84, NENE has slumped between our purchase prices of $2.25 and $2.50. Our position of 600 shares of LQMT is being held through the beginning of a stock purchasing program, and our share of 500 shares of FLST, leveled out at .035 cents a share today, is being held after the main profit taking we did at 500@$0.38, original purchase price of $0.10.
To recap our positions:
DDD 4.5
CNI 10.4
NENE 255
LQMT 600
FLST 500
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Disclaimer: We do not endorse buying any stocks. Do so at your own risk.