Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tempted To Flip: UA, RAD

The rough ride continues, but there's no room for flipping at this point.  With UA down from Jim Cramer's recommended purchase price, WWE lower but holding and coughing out a dividend, and PLUG dragging its feet until quarterly results, there hasn't been that much room to trade out for RAD, which has been having a nice comeback since some disheartening losses (good thing to have sold at $8 though).  I wouldn't be surprised to see $8 again within the next year.

Apple's price is dazzling considering the buzz about Apple Pay, BABA is riding the coattails of the Pay hype, and... that's about it.  Lots of blood in the water today, with even FB and TWTR taking some gut punches due to WhatsApp's fractional return and sluggish user growth rates.

BRGOD, our only penny stock worth mentioning, had a nice 400% jump since its reverse 1000-1 split, meaning our 300 shares are now worth... half a tank of gas.  The uber-hopeful reports continue to come out, and it will nice to see a Bergio store materialize, but for the meantime it will be a long hold and I sure don't recommend repeating my experience.  We had a chance to make $115 into $450 months back and should have taken it.

Wish list:

Glad we hadn't:

GTAT: Before AAPL's jilt, a low-10s stock soared, now at $1.  Ouch.
JCP: Go online or go home.
GRPN: Just lots of slow flopping downward.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

WW Eeee, Face Booked, Underarm Charm

Hello all,

It's been a kind of bleak couple of weeks.  WWE took a recent hit but we're still holding, if only for international subscriptions to WWE, TWO is down a little (which is fine because it's a dividend stock anyway), and we traded out 9 shares of FB for 10 of UA.  Profitability continues to elude PLUG.

Coulda shoulda wouldas:

We would have liked to have held ISIS longer, traded FB for TWTR, and traded WWE for RAD, which has been on a nice upswing from the 4s and will probably reach 5+ soon.

For now we continue to hold, with our penny stocks dormant and/or worthless.  BRGO did a 1000-1 reverse split, making our 300,000 shares worth a cup of coffee, LQMT languishes in the teens, and nothing else - TGRO, PVSP, FLST - is worth even mentioning.  The strategy going into the new year will be holding onto corporate stocks long-term and selling what carnage we have left in pennies.

Hopefully there'll be some good news, but for now our missed profits are in Rite Aid, Isis Pharmaceuticals, and even Facebook.  With Lockheed Martin's fusion discovery, we hope to get in eventually.  Stay tuned.